How To Say “I’m Hot” In Emojis: 15 Scorching Options

1. 🥵☀️ – Hot Face + Sun

When the heat is intense and you’re feeling overwhelmed by high temperatures, the Hot Face emoji 🥵 combined with the Sun emoji ☀️ vividly conveys this. The Hot Face, with its flushed appearance and beads of sweat, perfectly captures the sensation of feeling overheated. The Sun adds context, suggesting the heat is due to bright, sunny weather, amplifying the sense of sweltering heat.

2. 💦🔥 – Sweat Droplets + Fire

For expressing the feeling of sweating due to extreme heat, the Sweat Droplets emoji 💦 paired with the Fire emoji 🔥 is an excellent choice. Sweat Droplets illustrate the body’s response to heat, indicating perspiration and discomfort. The Fire emoji emphasizes the intensity of the heat, like being near a blazing furnace or under a scorching sun.

3. 🌞🌡️ – Sun With Face + Thermometer

To convey that it’s not just warm but searingly hot, use the Sun With Face emoji 🌞 alongside the Thermometer emoji 🌡️. The Sun With Face adds a personified element to the heat, as if the sun itself is expressing its power. The Thermometer, typically associated with temperature, reinforces that the heat is not just a sensation but a measurable, soaring temperature.

4. 🥵🍦 – Hot Face + Ice Cream

When the heat makes you crave something cool, the Hot Face emoji 🥵 combined with the Ice Cream emoji 🍦 captures this yearning. The Hot Face shows your reaction to the heat, and the Ice Cream symbolizes a common way to find relief from the heat, suggesting a desire for something cold to mitigate the warmth.

5. 🌊🔥 – Water Wave + Fire

To suggest a heat that feels like it’s surrounding you, similar to humidity, the Water Wave emoji 🌊 paired with the Fire emoji 🔥 is ideal. The Water Wave indicates a pervasive, enveloping sensation, akin to humidity or steam. The Fire adds the element of intense heat, creating an imagery of a hot, humid environment.

6. 🥵💨 – Hot Face + Dashing Away

For a dynamic expression of feeling hot, like a hot breeze or a wave of heat, the Hot Face emoji 🥵 combined with the Dashing Away emoji 💨 works well. The Hot Face signifies the effect of the heat on you, and the Dashing Away symbolizes a swift, warm movement, like a gust of hot air.

7. ☀️🏜️ – Sun + Desert

When you’re feeling hot as if you’re in a desert, the combination of the Sun emoji ☀️ and the Desert emoji 🏜️ paints a vivid picture. The Sun sets the tone for high temperatures, and the Desert suggests an environment known for its extreme heat, evoking the feeling of being in a vast, scorching landscape.

8. 🥵🚿 – Hot Face + Shower

If you’re feeling so hot that you’re longing for a cold shower, the Hot Face emoji 🥵 paired with the Shower emoji 🚿 is an expressive choice. The Hot Face shows your reaction to the heat, while the Shower indicates a desire to cool off, suggesting a relief from the heat through a refreshing shower.

9. ☀️🔥 – Sun + Fire

For a straightforward representation of intense heat, the Sun emoji ☀️ alongside the Fire emoji 🔥 is an effective combination. The Sun is a clear symbol of heat, especially during summer, and the Fire reinforces the idea of extreme, blazing temperatures.

10. 🥵🌵 – Hot Face + Cactus

To express heat in a dry, arid environment, like a desert, the Hot Face emoji 🥵 combined with the Cactus emoji 🌵 is fitting. The Hot Face conveys your physical response to the heat, and the Cactus places you in a typically hot, dry setting known for its scorching temperatures.

11. 🌡️☀️ – Thermometer + Sun

The Thermometer emoji 🌡️ paired with the Sun emoji ☀️ effectively communicates a high temperature, likely due to sunny weather. The Thermometer symbolizes the measurable aspect of the heat, while the Sun indicates the likely source, creating an image of a day where the heat is not just felt but also quantifiable.

12. 🥵🧊 – Hot Face + Ice Cube

For a sense of needing something cold to counteract the heat, the Hot Face emoji 🥵 combined with the Ice Cube emoji 🧊 is a great choice. The Hot Face shows how the heat is affecting you,

and the Ice Cube represents a desire for something cold to provide relief.

13. ☀️🥤 – Sun + Beverage Cup

To convey enjoying a cold drink on a hot day, the Sun emoji ☀️ paired with the Beverage Cup emoji 🥤 captures this summery scenario. The Sun sets the scene for a hot day, and the Beverage Cup represents the refreshing drink that helps to cool you down.

14. 🥵🏖️ – Hot Face + Beach With Umbrella

When the heat feels like a day at the beach, the Hot Face emoji 🥵 combined with the Beach With Umbrella emoji 🏖️ is an apt depiction. The Hot Face expresses how the heat is impacting you, and the Beach With Umbrella suggests a sunny, beachside setting, a common place to experience such warmth.

15. 🔥🍳 – Fire + Cooking Egg

For a humorous take on feeling hot, like you could fry an egg on the sidewalk, the Fire emoji 🔥 paired with the Cooking Egg emoji 🍳 is a playful option. The Fire represents the intense heat, and the Cooking Egg adds a humorous twist, suggesting the heat is so high that cooking outside could be feasible.

Feeling cold instead? Here is how to say “I’m cold” in emojis – read now.